Court Declines to Order Girl’s Return to USA
The Family Division of the High Court recently refused an application for a 13-year-old girl’s summary return to the USA, in a decision in which the girl’s own objections to...
Continue readingTwo adopted children stand to benefit from a £3 million trust fund despite the fact that the trust was set up when adoption did not automatically confer inheritance rights. The...
Continue readingThe Court of Appeal has recently heard the first substantial appeal concerning a claim for ancillary financial relief (a financial settlement on the break-up of a marriage or civil partnership)...
Continue readingWhen a mortgage brokerage agrees to arrange finance for a customer, does that mean that it has provided a guarantee that the required funding will be found? This question was...
Continue readingDisputed wills and estates are far from rare and it is often the least valuable assets in an estate that give rise to the bitterest arguments. In particular, a deceased...
Continue readingSince the Civic Amenities Act 1967, over 9,000 conservation areas have been designated as areas of special architectural or historic interest in England alone. Planning law and local requirements apply...
Continue readingMothers serving a prison sentence who have sole caring responsibility for children under 16 years of age are normally allowed to spend up to three days every six months at...
Continue readingAlthough it clashes with the principle of giving one’s time voluntarily, the demands and responsibilities put on some trustees of charities are such that paying them will be a necessity...
Continue readingThe courts are loath to ‘infer’ provisions into any sort of document, let alone one as final as a will, unless there is a compelling reason to do so, so...
Continue readingHM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have won yet another victory in a tax case in circumstances in which the facts were such that it is very unlikely indeed that a...
Continue readingA Russian ‘serial non-discloser’ of assets said to be worth millions of pounds had his attempt to bind his ex-wife to the terms of their post-nuptial agreement dashed recently in...
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