Court Declines to Order Girl’s Return to USA
The Family Division of the High Court recently refused an application for a 13-year-old girl’s summary return to the USA, in a decision in which the girl’s own objections to...
Continue readingThere can be few things more wounding or worrying than to be on the receiving end of a poison-pen letter campaign. However, as a High Court ruling showed, the law...
Continue readingThose who delay making a will until they are at death’s door create a very real risk of conflict amongst their loved ones after they are gone. That was sadly...
Continue readingLarge houses set amidst rolling acres are an abiding feature of English rural life – but should such properties necessarily be viewed as wholly residential? In answering that question in...
Continue readingFraud is a very real risk faced by investors in property developments and that is why detailed professional supervision of projects is so essential. The point was powerfully made by...
Continue readingThe fathers of those who are given up for adoption as babies are often not identified on their birth certificates and that can be a painful barrier to their formation...
Continue readingIs it right for gametes – sperm or eggs – to be collected from dying people who can make no choices for themselves so that their genetic legacy can live...
Continue readingWhen making a will, it is vital to remember your obligations to family members and others who depend upon you financially. As a High Court ruling showed, however, your duty...
Continue readingWhen spouses each make valuable contributions to a long marriage, the general rule is that marital assets should be divided equally in the event of divorce. As an unusual High...
Continue readingShareholders are obviously liable to pay Income Tax on their dividends, but what if a declared dividend is not – and, in reality, never will be – paid? A tax...
Continue readingIn a head-turning decision, the High Court has acknowledged that increased rainfall arising from environmental changes was one cause of excess seepage of water from a landowner’s field into a...
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