Court Declines to Order Girl’s Return to USA
The Family Division of the High Court recently refused an application for a 13-year-old girl’s summary return to the USA, in a decision in which the girl’s own objections to...
Continue readingIt is often thought that if a planning decision with which you are unhappy goes ahead and the development takes place, you must simply grin and bear it. This is...
Continue readingThe Government has released statistics which show that more than 150,000 properties have been sold to buyers who have made use of the ‘Help to Buy’ mortgage guarantee and equity...
Continue readingBuilding projects inevitably go wrong sometimes and those involved in such cases are wise to seek legal advice to achieve a swift and low-cost resolution. In a case where that...
Continue readingIn an important decision for property professionals, the High Court has ruled that, when considering the nature of a single unit of accommodation, a simple application of the ‘bricks and...
Continue readingWhen a tenant admitted in discussions with her landlord’s lawyers that she had been in arrears with the lease payments on her restaurant, the admissions were used to justify a...
Continue readingAnyone who lives in rented accommodation can breathe a sigh of relief after a tenant whose weekend cottage suffered severe flooding damage during a cold snap saw off a £128,000...
Continue readingAnother case on the definition of what constitutes a house for the purposes of the ‘right to buy’ legislation has been heard, providing further clarification on this contentious point. ...
Continue readingNuisance neighbours are one of the most unpleasant issues that a property owner can face. Where the conduct is sufficiently bad, however, the law does provide a remedy, as was...
Continue readingBoundary disputes can take a long time to resolve and can be ruinously expensive, as a recent case illustrates. It involved a teacher who put up a fence along...
Continue readingJust because a document is not properly executed does not mean that all rights are necessarily lost, as a recent case in the Supreme Court illustrates. It involved a...
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